Upcoming events
- 9.Oct.2015: Don't miss our ADAPT'16 paper submission deadline!
For the first time, we will be trying our open submission model with community-driven reviewing, reddit-based discussions and artifact evaluation:
- 19.Oct.2015: Software Credit Workshop (organized by Software Sustainability Instutite in London). This workshop will explore what contribution software can and should make for academic reputational credit.
- 1-4.Nov.2015: Dagstuhl perspective workshop on artifact evaluation (page, participant list). Public report will be available afterwards.
- 20.Nov.2015: Numerical Reproducibility at Exascale (NRE2015). Workshop co-located with SC'15
- 10-13.May.2016: MMSys 2016 Dataset Track
Past events
- "Science's Reproducibility Problem", Bob Grant, The Scientist,
- "From Repeatability to Reproducibility and Corroboration", Dror G. Feitelson, SIGOPS Operating Syst. Rev. 49(1), pp. 3-11, Jan 2015
- "Special section on Data replication & reproducibility", Science magazine, 2 December 2011
- "PL conference papers to get a journal?" - discussing ACM proposal to formally recognize conference publications as equal in quality as journal publications
- 25.Nov.2015: "From ad hoc computer engineering to collaborative and reproducible data science", Grigori Fursin, Computer Science Seminar, University of Manchester, UK
- "Reproducible Research in Computational Science: Problems and Solutions For Data and Code Sharing", Victoria Stodden, ICML workshop 2010
- "Reviewing peer review", Jeannette M. Wing, ACM Blog
- "How Should Peer Review Evolve?", Ed H. Chi, ACM Blog
- "Interesting Replicable 'Badge' for journal articles", Daniel S. Katz
National requirements
- Cornell University, USA: Best Practices
Events with artifact sharing/evaluation
Related blogs
Tools and websites
- OCCAM portal - open curation for computer architecture modeling
- http://www.execandshare.org - creates a companion website associated with a submitted paper to implement the methodology presented in the paper.
- Org mode - keeping notes, maintaining TODO lists, planning projects, and authoring documents with a fast and effective plain-text system
- Collective Knowledge Framework - decomposing Docker, Virtual Machine and complex experimental setups into reusable components shared via GitHub; exposing them to predictive analytics; creating reproducible, reusable and interactive articles.
- Example of a reproducible, reusable and interactive article: http://cknowledge.org/repo
- Examples of GitHub repositories:
- Projects using CK:
- Example of obtaining, compiling and running any shared benchmark
on a Linux machine with GCC:
$ (sudo) pip install ck
$ ck pull repo:ctuning-programs
$ ck compile program:cbench-automotive-susan --speed
$ ck run program:cbench-automotive-susan